Auto lackieren
Fahrgestell-, Achsen- & Instandsetzung verwandter Systeme
Motor und Getriebe
Aktuelle Projekte
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Kostenvoranschlag erhalten UK
Mercedes-Benz 280SL w113 1969
Mercedes 220SEb 1963
Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Touring project
Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Touring project
Simca 8 Sport Cabriolet Projekt
Jaguar V12 motor
Mercedes-Benz 280SL w113 1969
Über uns
Auto lackieren
Fahrgestell-, Achsen- & Instandsetzung verwandter Systeme
Motor und Getriebe
Aktuelle Projekte
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Kostenvoranschlag erhalten UK
Mercedes-Benz 280SL w113 1969
Mercedes 220SEb 1963
Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Touring project
Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Touring project
Simca 8 Sport Cabriolet Projekt
Jaguar V12 motor
Mercedes-Benz 280SL w113 1969
Über uns
Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce Autokatalog
20/25 A2 Series Coupe by Park Ward
20/25 A2 Series Sedanca Coupe by Freestone & Webb
20/25 D2 Series Sedanca Coupe by Nutting
20/25 F2 Series Foursome Sedanca Coupe
20/25 K2 Series Drophead Sedanca Coupe by Nutting
20/25 TA Drophead Coupe by Worblaufen
20/25 TA Series Sport Saloon by Barker
20/25 W Series Three Position Drophead Coupe by Nutting
20/25 X Series Sedanca Drophead Coupe by Nutting
20/25 Y Series Sedanca Coupe by Freestone & Webb
20/25 Z Series Enclosed Drive Landaulet by Thrupp & Maberly
20/25 Z Series Three Position Drophead Coupe by Barker
25/30 M2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Nutting
25/30 P2 Series Coupe de Ville by Nutting
40/50 Phantom I A Series Newmarket Convertible Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I A2A Series Brouham de Ville by Clark & Son
40/50 Phantom I B Series Pall Mall Tourer Springfield by Merrimac
40/50 Phantom I B Series Playboy Roadster Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I B Series Regent Convertible Coupe by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I B Series Towncar by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I C Series Pall Mall Tourer Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I C Series Piccadilly Roadster Springfield
40/50 Phantom I C Series Piccadilly Roadster Springfield by Merrimac
40/50 Phantom I C Series Playboy Roadster Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I C1 Series Piccadilly Roadster
40/50 Phantom I C2A Series Torpedo Tourer Derby by Hooper
40/50 Phantom I D series Ascot Tourer by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I D Series Convertible Sedan Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I D series Transformal Phaeton by Hibbard&Darrin
40/50 Phantom I D2A Series Brougham de Ville Derby by Binder
40/50 Phantom I D2A Series Enclosed Drive Landaulet Derby by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom I D2B Series Boat Tail Phaeton Derby by Baker
40/50 Phantom I E Series Pall Mall Tourer Springfield by Merrimac
40/50 Phantom I E2A Series Dual Cowl Tourer Derby by Barker
40/50 Phantom I E2B Series Torpedo in style of Barker
40/50 Phantom I F Series Etoile Town Car by Hibbard & Darrin
40/50 Phantom I F Series Transformal Phaeton Springfield by Hibbard & Darrin
40/50 Phantom I G Series Ascout Tourer Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I G Series Transformal Phaeton Springfield by Darrin
40/50 Phantom I H Series Ascout Tourer Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I H Series Speedster Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I H Series York Roadster Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I H2 Series Phaeton Derby by Baker
40/50 Phantom I I Series Ascout Tourer Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I I Series Newmarket Tourer by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I I Series Riviera Town Car Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I J Series Ascout Phaeton Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I J Series Henley Roadster Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I J series Riviera Town Car Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I J Series Town Brougham Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I K Series Salamanca Springfield by Darrin
40/50 Phantom I K Series Tourer Derby by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I L Series Imperial Cabriolet Springfield by Darrin
40/50 Phantom I L Series Newmarket All Weather Phaeton Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I L Series Newmarket Convertible Sedan by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I L series Newport Town Car by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I L series Regent Convertible by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I L Series Tourer Springfield by Brewster
40/50 Phantom I V Series York Roadster Derby
40/50 Phantom I V Sports Saloon Derby by Maythorn
40/50 Phantom I W Series Cabriolet Derby by Manessius
40/50 Phantom I X Series Pullman De Ville Derby by Barker
40/50 Phantom II Continental Newport Town Car LH by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II Continental Sports Saloon by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II J2 Series All Weather Tourer SWB by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II J2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Barker
40/50 Phantom II J2 Series Shooting Brake
40/50 Phantom II J2 Series Torpedo Tourer LWB by Barker
40/50 Phantom II K2 Series Boat Tail Speedster SWB by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II K2 Series Imperial Cabriolet LWB by Darrin
40/50 Phantom II K2 Series Roadster LWB by Brockman
40/50 Phantom II K2 Series Tourer LWB by Barker
40/50 Phantom II L2 Series All Weather Tourer by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II L2 Series Drophead Coupe by Ranalah
40/50 Phantom II M2 Series Continental Drophead Coupe by Barker
40/50 Phantom II M2 Series Continental Drophead Coupe by Carlton
40/50 Phantom II M2 Series Continental Touring Saloon by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom II M2 Series Sports Coupe by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom II M2 Series Sports Saloon in Razor Edge Design
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Continental Berline by Figoni&Falaschi
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Continental Drophead Coupe by Carlton
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Continental Fixed Cabriolet de Ville by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Continental Sedanca Coupe LH by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Continental Sports Saloon by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Croydon Convertible Coupe by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Henley Coupe LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Henley Roadster LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Newmarket Permanent Sedan LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Newport Town Car LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Salmanca RH by Kellner
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Sedanca de Ville LWB by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Special Brougham LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Special Town Car LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Sport Saloon LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II N2 Series Sport Sedan LH LWB by Brewster
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental All-Weather Tourer by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Drophead Coupe by Park Ward
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Faux Cabriolet by Nutting
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Sedanca Coupe by Barker
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Sedanca de Ville by Barker
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Sedanca de Ville by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Continental Sport Coupe by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II O2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Windover
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series All Weather Cabriolet LWB by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Cabriolet by Kellner
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Continental Drophead Sedanca Coupe by Kelner
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Continental Sedan by Fernandez and Darrin
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Continental Sedanca Coupe by Nutting
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Continental Sports Coupe by Freestone & Webb
40/50 Phantom II P2 Series Continental Three Position Drophead Coupe by Nutting
40/50 Phantom II R2 Series Continental Drophead Coupe by Freestone and Webb
40/50 Phantom II R2 Series Continental Sedanca Drophead Coupe by Nutting
40/50 Phantom II R2 Series Continental Sports Saloon by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II R2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Windover
40/50 Phantom II S2 Series Cabriolet by Binder
40/50 Phantom II S2 Series Continental Sedanca Drophead Coupe 4161 by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom II S2 Series Continental Sedanca Drophead Coupe by Binder
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Continental Sedanca Drophead Coupe by Mulliner
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Continental Sports Saloon by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Drop Head Coupe by Allweather
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Drop Head Coupe by Allweather
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Fixed Head Coupe LWB by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Sport Coupe by Hooper
40/50 Phantom II T2 Series Tourer by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Phantom II U2 Series Continental Saloon LWB by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost 1 Series Open Driver Limousine Manchester by Rippon
40/50 Silver Ghost 2 Series Tourer by Wilkinson
40/50 Silver Ghost 4 Series Open Drive Landaulette by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost 5 Series Baloon Car replica Derby by Wilkinson
40/50 Silver Ghost 5 Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Brainsby
40/50 Silver Ghost 5 Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Mulliner
40/50 Silver Ghost 5 Series Pullman Limousine by Fuller
40/50 Silver Ghost 5 Series Roi des Belges in the stle of Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost 7 Series Drophead Coupe by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost 7 Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Wood
40/50 Silver Ghost 7 Series Roadster Derby by Wilkinson
40/50 Silver Ghost 7 Series Roi des Belges Colonial Derby
40/50 Silver Ghost 7 Series Roi des Belges Derby by Alford & Alder
40/50 Silver Ghost 8 Series Limousine Derby by Thrupp & Maberly
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series London to Edinburgh Tourer Derby by Mulliner
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series Open Drive Landaulette Derby by Muhlbacher et Fils
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series Roi des Belges Derby by Wilkinson
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series Torpedo Phaeton in the style od Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series Tourer Colonial Derby by Dubois
40/50 Silver Ghost 9 Series Tourer Derby by Mulliner
40/50 Silver Ghost A Series Torpedo Tourer Derby
40/50 Silver Ghost B Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost B Series Open Tourer Derby
40/50 Silver Ghost B Series Salamanca Derby by Wood
40/50 Silver Ghost C Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost C Series Torpedo Phaeton by Kellner
40/50 Silver Ghost D Series Skiff Derby by Schebera
40/50 Silver Ghost F Series Tourer by Hemmings
40/50 Silver Ghost F Series Tourer Derby by Cockshoot
40/50 Silver Ghost G Series Alpine Eagle Tourer
40/50 Silver Ghost G Series London to Edinburgh Tourer Derby by Holmes
40/50 Silver Ghost G Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Hamshaw
40/50 Silver Ghost J Series Alpine Eagle Tourer in stule of Million - Guit
40/50 Silver Ghost K Series Tourer by Rothschild et Fils
40/50 Silver Ghost L Series Pall Mall Tourer by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost M Series Derbi Tourer by Bithal&Nago, Nazaribagh
40/50 Silver Ghost M Series Open Driver Landaulet Derby by Binder
40/50 Silver Ghost M Series Tourer by Bithal&Nago
40/50 Silver Ghost N Series Doctors Convertible Coupe
40/50 Silver Ghost N Series London to Edinburgh Tourer by Alpine Eagle
40/50 Silver Ghost O Series Seven-Passenger Limousine Springfield
40/50 Silver Ghost O Series Touring Phaeton Derby by Steuart&Co
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Drophead Coupe by Windovers
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Open Driver Landaulet Springfield by Willoughby
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Phaeton Derby by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Springfield Pall Mall Tourer by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Springfield Tourer by Grosvenor
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Tourer
40/50 Silver Ghost P Series Tourer by Wilkinson
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Cabriolet de Ville by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Piccadilly Roadster
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Salamanca by New Haven Garriage
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Springfield Pall Mall by Rolls-Royce Custom Coachwork
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Springfield Picadilly Roadster by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost R Series Springfield Riviera Towncar by Brewster
40/50 Silver Ghost S Series Cabriolet Derby by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost S Series Shooting Brake Derby by Barker
40/50 Silver Ghost S Series Springfield Pall Mall Tourer
40/50 Silver Ghost S Series Springfield Picadilly Special Roadster
40/50 Silver Ghost T Series All Weather Tourer Springfield by Locke
40/50 Silver Ghost T Series Pall Mall Tourer Springfield
40/50 Silver Ghost U Series Pall Mall Tourer Springfield by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost U Series Springfield Piccadilly Roadster by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost U Series Springfield Piccadilly Roadster by Merrimac
40/50 Silver Ghost U Series Springfield Playboy DeLuxe Roadster by Brewster
40/50 Silver Ghost U Series Springfield Tilbuty Sedan by Willoughby
Phantom III A1 Series Saloon by Barker
Phantom III A1 Series Touring Limousine
Phantom III A2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Nutting
Phantom III B1 Series Sedanca de Ville by A. Mulliner
Phantom III B1 Series Sports Four Seater Roadster by Thrupp & Maberly
Phantom III B2 Series Four door Cabriolet by Voll&Ruhrbeck
Phantom III B2 Series Saloon by Park Ward
Phantom III B2 Series Sedanca de Ville by A. Mulliner
Phantom III B2 Series Sedanca Drophead Coupe by Vanden Plas
Phantom III C1 Series Henley Roadster by Brewster
Phantom III C1 Series Pillarless Saloon by Vesters et Neirinck
Phantom III C1 Series Sedanca de Ville by Hooper
Phantom III C2 Series Saloon by H.J. Mulliner
Phantom III C2 Series Sedanca de Ville by H.J. Mulliner
Phantom III C2 Series Sedanca de Ville by Park Ward
Phantom III D1 Series All Weather Tourer by H.J.Mulinner
Phantom III D1 Series Berline by Park Ward
Phantom III D1 Series Four-Door Cabriolet by Park Ward
Phantom III D1 Series Four-Light Cabriolet by Freestone&Webb
Phantom III D1 Series Limousine by H.J.Mulliner RH
Phantom III D1 Series Limousine de Ville by Hooper
Phantom III D1 Series Limousine RH by Thrupp & Maberly
Phantom III D1 Series Parallel Door Saloon Coupe by James Young
Phantom IV Limousine Princess Margaret 4BP7 by Mulliner
Phantom IV State Landaulette 4BP5 by Hooper
Phantom V Coupe by Young LH
Phantom V Limousine 980 LH by Park Ward
Phantom V Limousine by James Young LH
Phantom V Limousine by James Young RH
Phantom V Limousine LH by Mulliner
Phantom V Sedanca de Ville by Young
Phantom V Sedanca de Ville SL by Young
Phantom VI Cabriolet LH by Frua
Phantom VI Limousine by Mulliner LH
Phantom VI limousine by Mulliner RH
Silver Cloud 1 Drophead Coupe 3243C RH by Freestone&Web
Silver Cloud I Drophead Coupe LH by Mulliner
Silver Cloud I Drophead Coupe LH by Young
Silver Cloud I Estate Car LH SWB by H.J.Mulliner
Silver Cloud I Saloon LWB LH by Henri Chapron
Silver Cloud I Sedan RH
Silver Cloud I Sedanca Coupe SC20 LH SWB by Young
Silver Cloud I Sports Saloon by James Young LH
Silver Cloud II Drophead Coupe by Mulliner
Silver Cloud II Drophead Coupe LH by Mulliner
Silver Cloud III Coupe by Mulliner
Silver Cloud III Drophead Coupe LH by Mulliner
Silver Cloud III Flying Spur by Mulliner
Silver Cloud III Flying Spur by Mulliner LH
Silver Cloud III Saloon by James Young RH
Silver Cloud III Saloon by James Young RH
Silver Cloud III Saloon LH by Young
Silver Cloud III Touring Limousine LH LWB by Young
Silver Cloud III Touring Limousine WDW LH LWB by Young
Silver Dawn Coupe by Pininfarina
Silver Dawn Drophead Coupe 7297 LH by H.J.Mulliner
Silver Dawn Drophead Coupe by Park Ward
Silver Wraith 4,3 litre Drohead Coupe RH by Inskip
Silver Wraith 4,3 litre Drophead Coupe LH SWB by Franey
Silver Wraith 4,3 litre Drophead Coupe SWB by Franey
Silver Wraith 4,3 litre Sedanca de Ville SWB by Mulliner
Silver Wraith 4,6 litre Drophead Coupe by Park Ward
Silver Wraith 4,6 litre Limousine by James Young
Silver Wraith 4,6 litre Limousine by Mulliner
Silver Wraith 4,9 litre Drophead Coupe LH by Park Ward
Silver Wraith 4,9 litre Limousine by Mulliner
Silver Wraith 4,9 litre Special Saloon by Vignale
Twenty 20HP Prince of Wales Three Position Cabriolet Derby by Barker
Twenty 20HP Tourer Derby by Hooper & Co
Wraith A Series 4,3 litre Drophead Coupe by Rod Jolley Coachbuilding
Wraith A Series 4,3 litre Sedanca de Ville by Park Ward
Wraith B Series 4,3 litre Sports Saloon by Thrupp&Maberly
Wraith C Series 4,3 litre Faux Cabriolet by Vanvooren
Wraith C Series 4,3 litre Saloon Coupe 4564 by James Young
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