Painting and anti-corrosion treatment of the body

The body was completely prepared for painting. After mounting of the body and component parts, it underwent final inspection of all fixtures and body geometry. All joints were tin-coated additionally.
All components of the body - fenders, engine and luggage compartment covers were installed on the body and their fixtures were accurately adjusted providing an equal gap between the elements along the entire perimeter of the details.

 After restoration of the body and its parts geometry, but before painting, it was necessary again to dismantle it, because each component of body was finally made and painted separately. All surfaces of the body have been repeatedly filled up, dried, ground and polished to achieve the required accuracy of the shape and blameless smooth surface.

 Finally we received the previously ordered, but so far the missing detail - the passenger compartment floor panel under the rear seats, which has now been welded into the appropriate place. Before welding, the part had already been primed and has already been cleared in the alleged location of the welds. After welding and grinding, joints were primed.

 The rimed joints were treated with the joint sealer. When technological caps were secured in their places, this part of the body was painted in appropriate colour.

Mercedes-Benz 280SE 1969 body paintwork Mercedes-Benz 280SE 1969 body lackered The body was painted in the basic colour and lacquered. After grinding and polishing, it was prepared for anticorrosive treatment, installation of sound absorption materials and further assembling process of the car.  


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