Braking system repair

We completely disassembled power booster and ordered broken parts.

We pre-assembled restored hand brake handle mechanism.

We self-manufactured missing components of the emergency braking system, which are not available anymore.

We installed onto the chassis restored emergency braking leaver.

Restored components of the emergency braking system we placed onto the chassis.

On the front axle, we installed braking system pipes and hoses.

We manufactured and installed new braking system pipes on the rear axle.

We installed rear axle joints and hose for the braking system.

We self manufactured and installed onto the frame new braking system piping.

To tailor braking pipelines we had to install restored booster.

We received for assembling new master cylinder, which was not painted. We disassembled unit completely and painted external surface.

We installed prepared master cylinder onto the chassis.

We used new and restored parts assembling braking booster.

We installed restored braking booster on the chassis and connected it to the braking system pipework.

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