Current projects

Alfa Romeo 6C2500 Sport Freccia d`Oro

We started another ambitious restoration project of the 1948 Alfa Romeo 6C2500 Sport Frecia d`Oro. The car had a partially restored chassis with an engine. Restoration of the car body had been started in another workshop, but due to the poor result, further renovation work was entrusted to us. This is a great challenge for our workshop, as the body of the car is made of aluminum and steel, disassembled with partial surface repairs.

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Alfa Romeo 2000 Touring 102.

In March, we began a full restoration of the Alfa Romeo 2000. This is our company car, which was bought in Italy a couple of years ago. It is planned to complete the restoration by the 2022 season. After the restoration, the car will be sold through one of the auction houses. If you are interested in participating in this restoration project with investment, feel free to contact us and we will plan a mutually beneficial investment model.

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AUDI URquattro 1982

The restoration of the 1982 Audi Ur-Quattro has begun. We received the car partially disassembled. The task set before us by the owner is to restore the bodywork and repaint the car. We will not restore the engine and axles of the car. We agreed on a common budget and got to work.

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Healey Alvis 1953

One of the rarest and less known cars built by Healey between 1946 and the launch of the Austin-Healey was the Healey-Alvis with just 25 units built between late 1951 and 1953. Vehicle arrived to the workshop in partly disassembled state. No motor and transmission was in the engine compartment. Restoration contract of Healey Alvis (1953) VIN G523 anticipated disassembling, complete restoration and assembling of the car, as far as possible preserving existing original components and parts.

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Mercedes Benz 190SL w121 1958

We started the new restoration project - for partial restoration 1958 Mercedes Benz 190SL. The task entrusted to us by the owner of the car is the complete restoration of the chassis and the engine compartment, including the overhaul of the engine. In addition, all trim moldings will be rechromed and the original MB-Tex interior material will be replaced with period correct vegetable tanned Rossier leather.

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Mercedes Benz 300SEL 6,3 w109

In October we started another restoration project. Mercedes Benz 300SEL 6.3 w109. The car is from Austria and spent his whole life there. A small fire in the engine compartment did not diminish the value of this beauty. Very original and authentic car.

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Mercedes Benz 500SEC w126 1982

The workshop received a new restoration project for a 1982 Mercedes Benz 500SEC w126. Conversation from a coupe to a convertible was done by Styling Garage Schenefeld. The car was in driveable condtition and have Classic Data valuation in 2 Grade. The task entrusted to us by the car owner is to carry out a complete restoration of the car including some tuning elements. Enjoy this process with us!

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Mercedes Benz 220S w180 1956

The workshop received a new restoration project for a 1956 Mercedes Benz 220S w180. The car was delivered disassembled with partial body repair. The task entrusted to us by the car owner is to carry out a complete restoration of the car. We invite you to enjoy this creative process with us!

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Puch 230GE w461 1990

We started restoration project of the Puch 230GE w461 1990. The car is in relatively good technical condition, but the task that the owner entrusted to our workshop is to restore this car as new or even better. The car was bought from the Swiss Army Reserve. In addition to the standard factory condition, the car will receive additional anti-corrosion treatment of the body and frame and a KTL bodywork coating.

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Mercedes 300D RHD 1961

Vehicle was delivered to the workshop for restoration in not driveable condition - motor and wheels were stuck. All main components were present though in heavily damaged technical condition.

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Mercedes Benz 280GE w460 Binz Sweden

Overview of the refurbishment of Swedish customer Mercedes Benz 280GE W460. This car is Binz modification of the standard W460 for medical purpose. It is not a traditional restoration of the car, but rather a renovation. Within a certain budget, everything necessary will be done to return the car in drivable condition.

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Jaguar XKE S2 (2+2) 1969

We continued assembling of the vehicle using renovated components and continued restoration of the dismounted assembling units.

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Finished Projects

Alfa 6C2500S 1943

The 2500 Pininfarina was manufactured during the Second World War on the 1943, when “Alfa Romeo” manufacture was adjusted to build technology for the needs of the army. The vehicles of the 1943 make only had their chassis and the transmission parts assembled on the production line, however, the body and interior design was done by the Italian design studio Pininfarina.

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Alfa Romeo Spider 1964

Restored car delivered to the Netherlands to meet the owner.

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Ford Mustang 1967

We continued our test-driving session.

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BMW 2002

We continued assembling of the car arrived from the paintshop and repairing of the components for installation.

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Bentley S1 1957

We finished entrusted to us restoration works and prepared vehicle for delivery to the owner.

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Jaguar XK120 1954

Car was not in running condition - left rear spring was in wrong position, paint layer was falling off etc. Workshop planned different activities – reparation of engine parts, restoration of carburetors and ignition system and other activities.

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BMW 501 1956

Auto was in operating condition, but some assemblies were modified. Workshop planned different work tasks – repair of carburettor, pumps of fuel and cooling systems, restoration of bodywork, anticorrosion treatment, replacement of hydraulic systems, polish of chromed parts and other.

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Jaguar XJS 1987

Car was received in partly disassembled condition – engine, instrument panel, seats and interior trimming elements were disassembled. Workshop planned works – repair of front and rear axle were, brake system and engine, restoration of bodywork, anti-corrosion treatment, replacing of new interior leather trim elements and other.

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Mercedes 320 1939

For the first time new model 320 was displayed during Berlin auto show 1937 presenting everything out of the best features which Mercedes-Benz may combine around 6-cylinder power plant.

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Mercedes 190SL w121 1956/be

Car was received in bad visual and technical condition - body was cleansed of rust, floor was rusted, exhaust system were damaged and split away and other defects. Workshop planned a lot of work tasks, to get old-timer stunning .

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Mercedes 190SL w121 1956/si

Lot of components were not present on the car – seats and soft-top. All door handles were missing, original paper air ducts and other parts were destroyed. Workshop planned some works – restoration of body, engine and interior, brake and clutch master cylinders repair and other.

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Mercedes 190SL w121 1958/gr

The car was roadworthy, even though many of its metal and interior upholstery components had seen better days. Workshop did repair work – restoration of carburettor and engine components, restoration of bodywork, installation of new radiator and water pump, restoration of engine and other works.

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Mercedes 190SL w121 1957

We continued assembling installing restored parts and trimming components.

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Mercedes 190SL w121 1956/bl

None of the car’s systems were in working order - it missed several essential components (carburettor, fuel container, etc.) and in addition numerous metal, wooden and upholstery components were damaged. Workshop planned several works – restoration of engine, welding of body panels and other.

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Mercedes 220SEb w111 1963

Overview period - week 38, 2014.

Encouraged by weather conditions we completed envisaged test run.

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Mercedes 220SEb w111 1962

We did away with discovered imperfections and continued test driving.

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Mercedes 250SE w111 1967

We finished our test-driving program and handed over completed restoration project to the owner letting him enjoy pleasure of summer driving.

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Mercedes 220SEb w111 1963/r

We finished our pre-delivery test drive program. As all final adjustments were completed, car was handed over to the owner for the pleasure of summer driving.

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Mercedes 280SE w111 1969

The car was received in condition. Several tasks were planned during restoration process – bodywork repair, repair of component parts, replacement of damaged details, body painting, anticorrosion treatment, repair of brakes, engine and gearbox and other.

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Mercedes 300SE w112 1964

The car was in running condition with certain technical problems – bodywork had paint bubbles over rusted areas, distributor cap and alternator were wrong and other. Workshop planned several restoration work tasks – restoration of details and trimming parts, engine and running gear repair and others.

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Mercedes 450SL R107 1976

Responsible master in person proudly delivered restored vehicle to the owner.

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Mercedes 280SL w113 1969

This Mercedes Benz 280SL w113 has undergone a complete and maximally precise restoration over the course of the past 3 years, starting in November 2019. In total there were 3500 labor hours spent on this project including more than 850 hours spent on perfecting the bodywork. After a test drive, it will be ready to hit the road again.

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Mercedes 280SL w113 1970

Full restoration began in October 2019. A total of 3,500 man-hours were spent on the job, including 850 hours on the bodywork alone. The car was painted according to the Standox Classic system and materials. The interior was made of vegetable tanned leather. Over €40,000 was spent on the new OEM parts alone. The work was completed in February 2022 and the car was delivered to the owner in Switzerland.

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Mercedes 280SL w113 1969

Car was delivered in running order, nevertheless several repairs were needed - most of chromed decorations had mechanical damages and traces of corrosion, paintwork had several defects etc. Workshop made plan of work tasks – restoration of details, engine repair and other.

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Mercedes 300d w189 1958

The assembling of the Mercedes Benz 300D w189 is finished. The car is ready for the the hand over.

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MGB sports car 1973 USA

The complete restoration of the 1973 MGB roadster began. We received the car partially disassembled. The task set before us by the owner is to restore the car for daily use. We agreed on a total budget and got down to work.

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Porsche 356B T6 1963

Car was delivered in partly disassembled condition – engine was not able to run, thick layer of filler was cracked in many places, body was damaged, headlamp bowls were rusted and other damages. Workshop had to do several tasks – engine and running gear repair, restoration of transmission and interior and other tasks.

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Porsche 911S 1975_blu

We have started restoration of the vehicle. Restoration gallery tells story of the process.

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Porsche 911S 1977 White

We have finished restoration of the vehicle and  completed final tests. Restoration gallery tells story of the process.

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Puch 230GE w461 Austria

Another renovation project that is not typical of our workshop. We started renovating the Puch 230GE w461. The car is in relatively good condition but the owner wants to restore it to the condition of a new car. The car was bought from the Swiss Army Reserve, which was also the first owner of this car.

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R-Royce Silver Spirit 1985

Wooden and leather parts of interior were in a good condition, but body, running gear and engine were mechanically damaged. Workshop assigned several jobs – strengthening of conditioner compressor, repair of exhaust system, bodywork painting and other.

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Vehicle was delivered to the workshop for restoration in driveable condition. All main components were present and in acceptable technical condition. Restoration contract of VW T1 Deluxe (1967) VIN 247140773 anticipated disassembling, complete restoration and assembling of the car, as far as possible preserving existing original components and parts.

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