Initial condition and work order

Vehicle was delivered to the workshop for restoration in driveable condition. All main components were present and in acceptable technical condition.

Paintwork was in poor condition – showing many cracks, peeling and overall fading.

There were several points of noticeable leakage from engine and transmission.

Rubber suspension components were demonstrating more than clear signs of ageing.

It seemed, MB-tex interior was carefully maintained, though ageing of plastic materials was unstoppable – upper surfaces of the door, passenger compartment and dashboard panels had unpleasant cracks all around.

Restoration contract of Mercedes-Benz 450SL (1976) VIN 10704412032794 anticipated disassembling, restoration of the body and interior followed by assembling of the car, as far as possible preserving existing original components and parts.

Restoration and assembling process was split in several steps presented in the table below:

Planned works


1. Original condition and work order


2. Disassembly, defects detection and parts list  compiling

 In process

3. Restoration



3.1.Engine and engine components repair

  In process


3.2. Transmission repair



3.3. Running gear repair



3.4. Brake system repair



3.5. Electrical equipment repairs



3.6. Bodywork repair

  In process


3.7. Interior renovation



3.8. Chromed trim components repair



3.9. Trim components repair

 In process


3.10. Other components repair


4. Assembling and final tests




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