Cadillac 452D 5580 Convertible Phaeton by Fleetwood
Automobilhersteller :  |
Cadillac |
Modell: |
452D 5580 Convertible Phaeton by Fleetwood |
Jahr: |
1930-1937 |
Art: |
Phaeton |
The V-16's shared the Fleetwood bodies with the eights and twelves, but were given a few distinctive styling details. The grill was of egg crate design. Headlights were mounted on the radiator shell rather than the fenders, and the parking lights were on the fenders rather than in the headlight supports. Three spears were placed on the hood side panels and front fender skirts. There was no crease across the nose of the front fenders.
Chassis changes were the same as on the eights and twelves, with minor differences to accommodate the added weight, power, and tremendous 3912mm wheelbase.
Following the previous Fleetwood system V-16's would be 58- or 60- styles. This system was followed in promotional literature, in the 1934 Master Parts List, and in early factory records. However, since the bodies were identical for all these series, Fleetwood stamped all body plates 57- or 60-. Master Parts Lists after 1934 used only 57- and 60- style numbers for 1934-35 Fleetwood bodies. Starting in 1936 V16's retained the 57- system. However, 60- styles were no longer offered.